Hello friends! It’s fall and that means my Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds have been filled with foods laced with cinnamon and spice. It hasn’t just been Social Media, but also my workplace where someone is always bringing in a tasty treat. Lately its been pumpkin breads, muffins and even mini pies. Those cute little delectable mini pumpkin pies are soooo friggin hard not to eat. I may have snuck one into my cube. I’ve been in denial over it for a few days now.
So anyway, since I like to pack my body with nutrient-rich foods 90% of the time, because the whole point in eating is to give your body fuel, I decided to create an anti-sweet sweet. That doesn’t make any sense now does it? What I mean is… I created a recipe that has the same spiced cidery flavor as a pumpkin spiced ___(you name it), but instead provides immune boosting qualities and at the same time satisfies my relentless cravings for pumpkin pie flavored whatever.
Instead of drinking or eating an immune suppressing sugary food, my recipe uses ingredients that will boost your immune system. Which is perfect for this time of year when our immune systems are in full armor fighting away the common cold and flu.
My version uses probiotic rich water kefir (you can find the recipe for water kefir on my site here).
Some of the benefits
- The probiotics in the water kefir strengthens the immune system and fights colds.
- The fresh ginger is an anti-inflammatory and also improves digestion.
- Cinnamon has been used to treat coughs and sore throats. The Egyptians prized it for it’s health benefits and have been using it since 2000 BC.
- Lemon is my favorite fruit in the whole wide world, because it has many cleansing and detoxifying properties. It is alkaline forming in the body which helps reduce acidity and inflammation. It is also full of enzymes and vitamin C. I drink water with lemon every morning and squeeze it on everything. I can’t get enough of it.
- Cayenne Pepper – According to the article, “17 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper“, by Global Healing Center, cayenne can be used for fever and sore throats.
So if all of those benefits don’t convince you, at least try it for the amazing flavor! You won’t be disappointed. It tastes nothing like those yucky health foods. I promise.
The cayenne gives this spiced drink a nice kick that will warm you up on those chilly days while the apple balances it and adds some sweetness. The cinnamon brings in the fall flavors and the lemon adds a nice bright freshness that pulls it all together.
- 2 cups water kefir
- ¾ cup organic apple juice
- ½ tsp. grated ginger
- dash cayenne
- dash cinnamon
- squeeze of lemon
- Combine all of the ingredients together in a pitcher and pour into sealable containers.
- Set out on the counter for 2-3 days.
- Put in the fridge to chill and enjoy.

What are your favorite fall flavors and treats? Let me know in the comments below.
You can purchase kefir grains here.
“17 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper“, by Global Healing Center
“What are the health benefits of cinnamon?“, Medical News Today
When my daughter & I go up to Julian later this month, I’ll make sure to grab some
extra cider….this sounds delicious!
Fresh cider from Julian is the best! That sounds great :)